Easter Attendance Winners

All students that had attended school everyday for the last two weeks were entered into the Easter EGG-cellent prize draw.  Congratulations to the winners selected at random each winning a Google Chromebook and an Easter egg.  1411 students were entered into this, well done to all attendance does matter.

Egg-Tastic Morning at Horizon

It has been an egg-tastic morning at Horizon CC after an impressive visit from the Easter bunny with a treat for every student and member of staff in the school! We hope everyone has a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 25th April.

Interview an Adult Competition Y7

Y7 have been taking part in the Interview an Adult Competition and today has seen the culmination of the task with our finalists presenting to Mrs Huddart, Mr Irving and Mrs Harrison. The first task was set just before Christmas and Y7 were asked to sit down with a member of their family or another adult close to them and ask them about their career journey. The students asked their chosen adult a series of questions including what their least favourite job was and why, had covid changed their job and what advice would they give their 11 year old self. The answers then were used to submit a reflective report and the top 10 reports submitted were chosen and those students ask to put together a presentation and share what they had learned with members of the Senior Leadership. Well done to those 10 Y7’s and to all and entered and took part.

Pride Club bake-sale supporting the LimBbo Foundation

The Pride Club have been busy working on organising and creating a bake-sale for all students at Horizon. Over 40 student volunteers have worked to arrange this event over the last 8 weeks.
Students have worked on making badges, embroidering bags and baking over a 150 buns and cakes.

Winner: 2021 Early Career Prize for Excellence in Secondary and Further Education

Dr Owens ensures that teaching is adapted to respond to the needs of students and shows clear subject knowledge and passion for the discipline. Dr Owens was appointed to a Teaching and Learning role within the science department after 19 months of teaching, due to her outstanding work ethic, high standards and outward thinking approach to teaching science.

Celebration of Achievement 2021

As we complete our ninth year at Horizon Community College, we are able to look back with a real sense of pride on the achievements of our students in the last academic year. 

STEM at Horizon

STEM at HORIZON Tuesday 6th July STEM AT HORIZON Since the return to school in March we have seen unprecedented numbers of students coming to our after-school STEM clubs.  There have been up to 100 students turning up every week to take part in some exciting practical activities.   Year 7 have both a STEM […]

Horizon’s Exciting New Library

Horizon’s exciting new library Tuesday 6th July Horizon’s exciting new library This half term year 7 students have spent an English lesson exploring Horizon’s exciting new library; immersing themselves in texts from Jane Austin to Benjamin Zephaniah and, through the range of books on offer, have explored a variety of experiences and cultures. Since its […]

Year 11 Leavers

Year 11 Leavers Tuesday 6th July Y11 Leavers Year 11 have left us after five amazing years! It was a truly brilliant day. Although we couldn’t give them a Prom, we did try to give them an enjoyable send off. We had many laughs and a few tears on the final day – much like […]

Platinum award winners

Platinum Award Winners Tuesday 6th July Platinum award winners What an incredible year of achievement we have had with 14 students achieving their Platinum Award Certificate! These students have gained over 450 achievement points for the award which is an incredible accolade to their hard work and positive attitude to learning. We are so very […]

College Calendar

  • Tuesday 24th September – Y10 Parent Information Evening
  • Thursday 27th September – Y7 Parent Information Evening
