Wednesday 14th December

The Horizon Performing Arts Department are so proud to congratulate our talented cast of students on December’s whole school production, ‘A Winter Showcase’. We have had some wonderful feedback from audience members across the two nights and were thrilled that it was a total sell out. This time around we did things slightly differently. Normally we bring you our annual performance at the end of the school year, during the summer months, but we began to discuss how much fun it would be to do something with a winter theme. Our 2022 ‘A Night on Broadway’ showcase proved to be extremely popular. Performing extracts from a number of different musicals, rather than just the one, enabled us to give a wide range of students from different year groups the opportunities to take on principle roles in acting, singing and dance. With ‘A Winter Showcase’ we stuck with that premise and presented an array of classic Christmas songs, dances and stories. From the icy world of Frozen, to the dark Dickensian streets of A Christmas Carol, from the pantomime season characters of Shrek, to the sparkle and jingle of our elf dancers, Horizon students wowed the crowds with their enthusiasm and dedication on stage. As always, a massive thank you to the incredible team of staff who worked so hard to enable something like this to happen. Thank you to our wonderful students who give so much of themselves to their Performing Arts Extra-Curricular. And finally, thank you to any of you in the audience, who came along and supported us. We hope you had a magical evening and that we helped you get into that festive feeling. Watch this space for the announcement of next year’s show …