Developing Positive Role Models

Form Period

Every child participates in form period, either at the start or end of each school day. This supports their personal development journey and ensures they really are school ready; work ready; life ready. A timetable of activities, outlined below, triangulates national campaigns, global current affairs and local initiatives to ensure our students have a comprehensive understanding of the world around them.

The form tutor is a significant adult in our students’ daily life. They are the first point of contact for our students and parents. They are a positive role model who ensures students are school ready, checking they have the correct uniform and the necessary equipment to be successful in their learning. The form tutor ensures effective communication, whilst delivering activities to promote our College core values, develop outstanding Character in the Classroom and embed British Values. They are also the person who encourage students’ to take full advantage of the college’s wide-ranging enrichment programme and celebrate their successes as they expand their horizons and develop as young citizens.

A student’s weekly form period includes:

· An assembly, which brings the full year group together in the college theatre. This is used to celebrate collective success, praise students for their academic achievements, for effort in their studies, engagement in college life and outstanding attendance. Across the year, themed assemblies also highlight and explore national events, such as International Women’s Day, Remembrance, Earth Week and LGBTQ+ awareness, each supported by our Student Leaders and linked to our core values and wider British Values

· The student bulletin, so that students are fully informed about the day to day life of the college, events they can take part in and our monthly core value focus.

· ‘Votes for Schools’, providing them with the opportunity to discuss and debate issues that affect them as citizens of the world. Topics this year, for example, have included: Will the future feel different to the second Elizabethan era? Should we be worried about vaping? Should everyone be able to vote at 16? This aspect of form period not only helps to develop students’ speaking and listening skills, their confidence and their ability to think critically, it also ensures they really understand concepts such as British Values and Prevent and the importance of their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.







Year 7

Behaviour & Attendance

Core Value focus

Votes for School



Votes for School

Year 8

Behaviour & Attendance

Core Value focus



Votes for School

Votes for School

Year 9

Behaviour & Attendance

Core Value focus

Votes for School


Votes for School


Year 10

Behaviour & Attendance

Core Value focus

Votes for School



Votes for School

Year 11

Behaviour & Attendance

Core Value focus



Votes for School

Votes for School


Example of a student bulletin


Example of a assembly presentation


Votes For Schools provides students with weekly opportunities to discuss current affairs, debate their opinion and vote on a decision / solution as a form group. This is a vital part of the personal development programme, instilling all four British Values (within the education of our students) as students have their voice heard and consider different viewpoints.



Will the Lionesses’ win create long-lasting change?

Is it a good time to become Prime Minister?

Will the future feel different to the second Elizabethan era?

Are fashion brands choosing trends over the environment?

Are actions more impactful than words? (Black History Month)

Does the internet affect the way we view sex & relationships?

Is it time to switch off the BBC?

Should we be worried about vaping?

Should everyone be able to vote at 16?

Do fandoms encourage bullying?

Was awarding the World Cup to Qatar a mistake?

Is progress around BSL happening quickly enough?  

Do we underestimate the impact of food banks?

Should there be strikes during the festive period?

Do seasonal traditions stop us trying new things?

Will science solve the world’s problems?

College Calendar

  • Wednesday 18th September – Y8 Parent Information Evening
  • Tuesday 24th September – Y10 Parent Information Evening
  • Thursday 27th September – Y7 Parent Information Evening
