
Citizenship Curriculum Intent

Citizenship prepares our students to become successful adults. They learn how to build positive relationships, live healthy lifestyles, be moral citizens and have the confidence to be ‘work and life ready’. Our curriculum focuses on three strands which are: Health and wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the wider world.


Health and Wellbeing


Living in the wider world

Year 7

Identity and Values
As they enter the next phase of their school lives, students will consider how their identity and values can change over time, as well as the importance of considering others' identity and values.
Health and Wellbeing
Students will learn how to look after their minds and bodies to help them in leading healthy and happy lives, now and in the future.
Topic 2
British Values
Students will look at the Fundamental British Values (FBV) and how these play a role in day-to-day life. Students will understand how to demonstrate these values in their own lives, in their communities and in the wider world.
Topic 3
The rule of law
Students will look at the criminal justice system in depth as part of their studies into the British Value of the Rule of Law. They will investigate the impact of crime and what happens in the courtroom.
Topic 4

Year 8

Health and Wellbeing
Students will build on their knowledge from Year 7 looking at how to keep themselves healthy both physically and mentally. They will also look at the risks of using substances such as caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.
Topic 1
Risks and the law
Students will look learn about risk-taking and the laws around drug use. They will also learn about to protect themselves and others around child criminal exploitation (CCE), as well as the consequences associated with risky behaviour.
Topic 2
Rights and Respect
Students will explore the importance of promoting equality and respecting the rights of others. They will explore the purpose of the Equality Act and the characteristics this law protects.
Digital Citizenship
Students will learn how to keep safe online, as well as learning how to think critically about what they see online. They will learn about the dangers of misinformation, as well as how the internet can be used as a force for good.

Year 9

Relationships and Families
Students will explore the different types of committed relationships and how they can be granted legal status. They will be visited by Barnsley Sexual Health Service (Spectrum) to learn about safe sex. They will also learn the options related to fertility and pregnancy.
Topic 1
Healthy Relationships
Students will build on their knowledge of healthy relationships by exploring the risks associated with unhealthy relationship behaviours. They will learn how to recognise the signs of pressure and abuse.
Risks and the law
Students will learn build on their knowledge of the facts and risks associated with child criminal exploitation and grooming. They will also explore the risks presented them through the online world and how to keep themselves and others safe.
Financial literacy
Students will consider ways to look after their finances both now and in the future. Students will consider the potential challenges and risks associated with money and identify positive ways to increase their financial wellbeing.

Year 10 GCSE

Theme A – Relationships and Families
Content -
In this unit students will look at both religious and non-religious attitudes towards the nature and purpose of families. Students will look at the role of parents, importance of marriage and beliefs about divorce and re-marriage. Students will also examine beliefs about sex and relationships, such as sex outside of marriage, contraception and polygamy.
Skills -
Throughout the RE GCSE students will apply the same skill set to key religious beliefs and practices. These skills will be explanation, evaluation and the influence of faith. In lesson, students will regularly have opportunities to practice these skills and receive feedback.
Christian Beliefs
Content -
In this unit students will be looking at the fundamental principles of Christianity. They will study the beliefs that shape the Christian faith, such as the Nature of God, beliefs about the Trinity, and the life of Jesus including the incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection.
Skills -
Throughout the RE GCSE students will apply the same skill set to key religious beliefs and practices. These skills will be explanation, evaluation and the influence of faith. In lesson, students will regularly have opportunities to practice these skills and receive feedback.
Theme B- Religion and Life
In this unit students will look at both religious and non-religious attitudes towards different ethical issues. Students will study the UK law on abortion and euthanasia and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the religious arguments surrounding these topics. Students will also look at animal rights, treatment of the planet and life after death.
Throughout the RE GCSE students will apply the same skill set to key religious beliefs and practices. These skills will be explanation, evaluation and the influence of faith. In lesson, students will regularly have opportunities to practice these skills and receive feedback.
Topic 3
Christian Practices
In this unit students will look at the day-to-day practices of Christians, such as worship and prayer. Students will also look at the importance of the sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion), and the role of the Church in the local community, such as charity, street pastors and food banks.
Throughout the RE GCSE students will apply the same skill set to key religious beliefs and practices. These skills will be explanation, evaluation and the influence of faith. In lesson, students will regularly have opportunities to practice these skills and receive feedback.
Topic 4
Theme D – Religion, Peace and Conflict
In this unit students will look at both religious and non-religious attitudes towards war and peace. Students will look at the reasons for war including greed, self-defence and religion. Students will also look at the ethical debates around using nuclear weapons, pacifism and holy wars.
Throughout the RE GCSE students will apply the same skill set to key religious beliefs and practices. These skills will be explanation, evaluation and the influence of faith. In lesson, students will regularly have opportunities to practice these skills and receive feedback.
Topic 5

Year 10 Core

Social Justice
In this unit students will look at both religious and non-religious attitudes towards different topics relating to Social Justice. Students will look at community cohesion, gender rights and wealth. Students will also examine the religious attitudes towards animal rights (including testing and using animals for food), the environment and freedom of religious expression. This unit will allow students to look at laws both in the UK and around the world, and form their own opinions on these different topics.
The End of Life
Content -
In this unit students will look at different religious beliefs surrounding death and the afterlife, such as heaven/hell and the belief in reincarnation. Students will also study different funeral rites and the significance behind each ceremony. This topic will also include a lesson on how to manage grief/loss.
The Responsibilities of Wealth
This unit will focus on the financial responsibilities of religious believers. Students will look at the impact of charity on our world and the religious duty to donate, with a focus on the Langar in Sikhism. Throughout this unit, students will also study interest and pay day loans, and evaluate whether society should have billionaires.
Topic 3
What Does it Mean to be an Adult?
In this unit students will look at different rites of passage, focussing on the Bar/Bat Mitzvah in Judaism and Baptism in Christianity. Students will also consider when a child should become legally responsible for their actions and consider the different arguments regarding the age of criminal responsibility.
Topic 4
Religion in the Media
This unit will focus on religious topics in the media and aim to debunk any myths and misrepresentations about beliefs. Students will look at abortion in America and the Roe vs. Wade overturning, how Jihad is reported and different religious laws on secularisation. This unit aims to give students a critical lens and consider which news sources are trustworthy.
Topic 5
Religion and Relationships
In this unit students will study different religious and non-religious beliefs about relationships and the family. Students will focus on topics such as marriage and civil partnerships, polygamy, fertility, and family diversity. Students will also consider what a healthy relationship looks like. Students will be revisited by Barnsley Sexual Health Service (Spectrum) to recap the facts related to sexual health.
Topic 6

Year 11 CORE

Religion and the Modern World
Students will look at both religious and non-religious attitudes towards different moral issues that impact on the modern world. Students will study the different arguments from a wide range of perspectives and consider impact that such issues have on their health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.
Topic 1
Religion and prejudice/discrimination
Students will recap the Equality Act 2010 and the importance of respecting the protected characteristics. Students will develop knowledge of how to tackle stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination. Students will understand religious views on equality and tolerance and consider the impact of religion on social progression.
Topic 2
Moral dilemmas
Students will look at various moral dilemmas and consider how both religious and non-religious attitudes towards may imp act upon a persons’ and or societies views. Students will study the impact that such moral dilemmas may have on their adult lives and consider the implications for their health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.
Topic 3
Identity, Cults and Belonging
This topic explores the nature of cults and how people search for identity and belonging. We will focus on how such groups form, why people join them, and what dangers they pose. We look at examples of charismatic leaders, coercion, doomsday cults and ideologies. Students will explore the dangers associated with exploitation, grooming and coercive control.
Topic 4
Health and Wellbeing
This topic will focus on preparing students for the challenges of Year 11 and a Post-16 world. The aim is to aid students with support for exams and strategies that may support the challenges faced. Students will recap healthy living, particularly during exam season. Students will also recap strategies for looking after our mental wellbeing as well as supporting others.
Topic 5

College Calendar

  • Tuesday 24th September – Y10 Parent Information Evening
  • Thursday 27th September – Y7 Parent Information Evening
