
Citizenship Curriculum Intent

Citizenship prepares our students to become successful adults. They learn how to build positive relationships, live healthy lifestyles, be moral citizens and have the confidence to be ‘work and life ready’. Our curriculum focuses on three strands which are: Health and wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the wider world.


Health and Wellbeing


Living in the wider world

Year 7

My body and Me
Students will consider how to care for their bodies and how to adapt to changes in their lives. Students will look at key aspects of a healthy lifestyle including how to stay safe online.
Managing emotions
Students will explore how to mange their emotions. Students will consider a variety of coping strategies for emotions they may experience and look at positive ways to build their resilience, confidence and self-esteem.
Topic 2
UK Parliament and Fundamental British Values (FBV)
Students will look at the Fundamental British Values (FBV) and how these play a role in day-to-day life. Students will understand how to demonstrate these values in their own lives, in their communities and in the wider world.
Topic 3
The Criminal Justice System
Students will look at the Criminal justice system and the consequence of breaking the law. They will investigate the impact of crime and what happens in the courtroom.
Topic 4

Year 8

Public Health
Students will explore key aspects of public health such as dental hygiene, physical activity and vaccinations. Students will consider the potential impact of lifestyle choices and factors that may affect these.
Topic 1
Crime and Punishment
Students will look at crime in the UK and the law in relation to drugs, tobacco and alcohol. Students will explore County Lines, gangs and joint enterprise as well as young offenders and the Criminal Justice System.
Topic 2
Rights and Respect
Students will explore the importance of promoting equality and respecting the rights of others. They will explore the purpose of the Equality Act and the characteristics this law protects.
Digital Citizenship
Students will learn how to stay safe online.

Year 9

RSHE and Spectrum
Students will explore RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education). Students will look at what constitutes a healthy relationship, different relationship types and how to remain safe and healthy. As part of the Horizon RSHE programme, students will also receive sessions from Barnsley Sexual Health Service, Spectrum. This will contribute to a vital part of the RSHE programme.
Topic 1
Money Matters
Students will consider ways to look after their finances both now and in the future. Students will consider the potential challenges and risks associated with money and identify positive ways to increase their financial wellbeing.
Relationships and Family types
Students will explore the different relationships and family types in modern society.

College Calendar

  • Thursday 27th June – Y11 Prom at Tankersley Manor Hotel
  • Wednesday 3rd July – Dance Show
  • Thursday 4th July – Dance Show
  • Friday 5th July – Dance Show
  • Friday 5th or Monday 8th July – Y6 Transition Days
  • Wednesday 17th July – Celebration of Achievement Evening
