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Staff Wellbeing

Staff workload and wellbeing support

Staff survey – teaching and support (May 2022)

· 99% of teaching and support staff are ‘clear about the college vision’;

· 94% believing that the college is both ‘well-led and managed’;

· 95% of both teaching and support staff feel ‘well supported working here’.

Effective use of time:

· Team of cover supervisors, to keep ‘rarely cover’ situations to a minimum

· Online parents evenings: each = 2.5hrs (Schoolcloud)

Effective practice:

· Preparing resources – full time reprographics role and digital media team

· Common Assessment and feedback policy – consistent and supportive as teachers are only expected to mark progress checks every 6-8 lessons and summative assessments once per term

· Move to student ownership re response – expect STUDENTS to take responsibility books, equipment, conduct

· Data collections – 3 per year for each year group; only 1 data collection open at a time

· Reports – no individualised written reports; centrally generated data reports

· Careers and Enterprise team – support with wider student development

· Support staff – 2 over-arching non-teaching leaders; leadership structure put in place; teams created (ownership and identity); own intent, development plan and appraisal system

Effective communication and development:

· Briefing – 1 consistent message for all; all teaching and support staff expected to attend; regular updates and training

· Staff needs considered when scheduling CPD and disaggregated days (eg end of Christmas term)

· CPD time scheduled as 1hr slots, on ‘Training Tuesdays’ to ensure access for all

· Leadership development at all levels – department structure; Subject Leaders meetings; NPQs; coaching and mentoring

· Supportive and developmental Quality Assurance – and support for Teaching & Learning

Supporting teachers to teach:

· College Leadership support duties – support for classroom teachers

· Parent/Carer conduct policy (supporting staff)

· Centralised detentions – all detentions supervised by the pastoral teams/Subject Leaders on specific days for each key stage

Supporting teachers’ personal needs:

· Form tutor option for parents with childcare – am or pm


· Free Flu vaccinations available

· Additional HR provision – HR support always on site

· Mental Health Leads

· HR Wellbeing drop-in sessions

· Supportive ‘absence’ policy – proactive rather than reactive

· Bespoke mental health support – Yorkshire Psychotherapy Services and Occupational health support

· Introduction of Workplace Health Champions

· Free use of the Fitness Suite for staff before or after school

· Free refreshments prior to parents evening

Team building:

· Team building initiatives eg staff to staff praise, student to staff praise, Hidden Hero, ‘I heard a wispa’

· Support national initiatives, eg Thank a teacher day, National wellbeing week

· Staff wellbeing activities eg Christmas wrapping paper, free massage, pilates


· ‘Staff counter’ and ‘treats’ in the canteen

· ‘Thank yous’ to staff – free breakfasts, easter eggs, Christmas ‘cake’

Trust wide support:

· Financial advice (eg Lifetime)

· Lifestyle support services (eg VIVUP – lifestyle savings, car benefits)

· Team building initiatives (eg Tough Mudder, Christmas Quiz)

Wellbeing – culture of caring underpins all we do

College Calendar

  • Thursday 27th June – Y11 Prom at Tankersley Manor Hotel
  • Wednesday 3rd July – Dance Show
  • Thursday 4th July – Dance Show
  • Friday 5th July – Dance Show
  • Friday 5th or Monday 8th July – Y6 Transition Days
  • Wednesday 17th July – Celebration of Achievement Evening
